Friday, May 05, 2006
Pie In the Sky
It’s been another difficult week. I will save you the boring, grisly details but to say that elementaryhistoryteacher is plumb tuckered out mentally and physically would only be a mediocre description of my educational experiences this week.
Rather than focusing on the past I’d rather share with you a more uplifting, forward thinking way to end my week. Yesterday my team and I met in my room for our weekly team meeting. As usual I had a lengthy agenda. I reminded the fourth grade teachers about a survey we are required to take online. I obtained the names of the necessary volunteers for the PTSO sponsored dance/gathering coming up any day now. I gave a deadline for award lists to be given to me so the certificates can be prepared. We discussed end of the year exams, career day, field day, and culminating projects. We finalized some details for the PTSO meeting where our grade level will be responsible for the program along with the fifth grade.
Finally, we discussed our team planning day coming up on the 11th. We will have all day to plan and discuss curriculum next Thursday. We will also have the opportunity to go out to lunch like other adults. Substitutes will be covering our classes. I gave my team an assignment. I asked them to take the next few days to seriously think about their year. What worked? What didn’t? If they could have the best fourth grade ever what would it look like? I told them to include projects, field trips, events, lessons, activities, procedures, student recognition, ways to motivate, and ways to involve parents. Finally I said, “Ladies, think outside of the box. Your goal is ‘pie in the sky’. What would the perfect fourth grade year be like if there were no obstacles?”
I’m hoping to have real meaningful dialogue next week to begin building that perfect year. I want to take an idea or two from each person and formulate a plan to achieve it. I’m anxious to hear their “Pie In the Sky Lists” and even though I’m beat up and worn slap out I’m looking forward to next year.
So….I’m wondering….what would be on your pie in the sky list. What kinds of things would you like to implement?
Hang in there, it will soon be over