
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Which U.S. President Are You Most Like?

Blogthings has a quiz to find out which U.S. president you are most like. Go on over and find out for yourself. I did, however, I’m a bit concerned……

Go on over to American Presidents and see who I’m most like.


  1. If I had results like yours, I'd be concerned too!

  2. Your comment on my blog about my result qualifies as "cruel and unusual punishment"!


  3. I'm a bit seedy but still well liked. I guess I should be really concerned!

  4. cool, I'm Bill Clinton! :)

  5. er, I am like Ronald Reagan!

  6. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I saw CaliforniaTeacherGuy's comment and guess who you were. And then I got the same answer.

  7. As much as I disrespect Clinton, who I am not like, I'm not sure my "match" is much better. Would you like to be similar to George W. Bush? I'd hate to think I'm that stubborn and willful...but, now we get into touchy subjects. Thank you for the interesting quiz.

  8. Clinton here, too.

  9. I thought this quiz was stupid, but I have to admit, given a choice I might have picked JFK as the President I am most like.


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