
Sunday, February 04, 2007

The New Place That Is Actually the Old Place....

Shine your shoes and brush your hair. I want you to look your best as you go visiting my new friend over at A Very Old Place. Documents, photos, oral histories, films, websites…need I say more!

This is the kind of site you stumble upon and the content makes you want to write a comment on each and every post. This is the kind of site you glean idea after idea from….where you constantly say, “How can I use that? And that? And that? And that?”

I can’t wait to see what this 20 year veteran of gifted education has to share with us next. Go on over and introduce yourself, and say I sent you over to say, “WOW!”


  1. Anonymous1:34 AM

    A very cool blog! And a valuable contribution to the Blogosphere and to education. Thank you for sharing!

  2. It is great! thanks for sharing.

  3. I'll stop sending you shameless, self promoting plugs after just one more...I thought you might like to see our current project CSI:Cemetery Scene Investigation. You can see it at
    Thanks for your post about my new blog.


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