
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Week 14

Who is the artist of this lovely piece?

Hints: a famous artist colony, Rome, government service.....

Last week's explanation regarding the Polly Cooper shawl can be found HERE


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I want to say Monet, but I'm sure that's wrong :) Happy WW!

  2. Eesh, very little art knowledge here, but since you're a history teacher, you'll appreciate my WW!

  3. No, no Monet.....

    History? You know I'm there, Michael. :)

  4. I really don't know who the artist is but it sure is pretty,
    Mine is up too.

  5. Monet? Manet? Thomas Kinkade? Whoever it is I would love to have it hanging in my living room!

  6. Even as an artist and having done art history, the picture is far too small to tell anything ! There are so many imitations of this style.

  7. BTW you changed your template ! looks very nice (stupid answer, I have the same, lol !)

  8. You are correct. I remember learning in my 6th grade GA History class that the slab of granite extends for miles under the soil and does reach to other states. Also, that when they quarryed part of the mountain, some of the granite made its way to Washington DC for the Capitol steps.

    As for the train ride, it's been about 20 years or more for me, but I remember some kind of hijacking fiasco, either soldiers or moonshiners.

  9. I guess I'll never know the answers to your questions, but thank you for making WW more fun than it already is!:)

  10. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Don't know, but I like it!

  11. Hmm-well, it looks like its an impressionist--so it was done in the 19th century sometime..

  12. Anonymous12:34 PM

    i've seen that before but i can't remember where

  13. Anonymous12:41 PM

    It's Wednesday already?!!! Guess I need to get my WW up soon!

    I.m trying to think of an American impressionist and I can only thinK of Mary Cassett.

    But I'm not giving up. It might be in New York State or New England.

  14. Is this the MacDowell Colony in Petersborough New Hampshire? I visited it once with a group and remember a yellow house.

  15. Hmmmm don't know the artist but it sure is pretty!


  16. It's very dreamy. I thought Monet, too, but I can only name like 5 artists so I have no other guesses! LOL

  17. Very pretty! Happy WW! :)

  18. I'm scratching my head and strumming my fingers on my desk! I've been wondering if this is by the American painter Childe Hassam?


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