
Sunday, March 04, 2007

As Seen On My Computer Screen This Week

It’s Sunday evening and I’ve taken a strolling click through to various sites. Here are notes from my journey. C’mon….go strolling with me.

Gee, I take a few days off from visiting other folks and miss a birthday. Go on over and tell Strausser at A Teacher's Perspective happy belated birthday.

Dennis Fermoyle has been Discussing Education with Non-Teachers. Go on over and get an eyeful of what 53 comments looks like. I’ve never had that many. I weighed in twice over there. Go put in your two cents worth.

To go along with the previous post kdrosa has been posting about Teacher Autonomy. I agree with some of his thoughts over there, but teacher autonomy? What’s that?

Carol of The Median Sib fame had a nice conversation with a group of students regarding the Revolutionary War, and of course that led to a discussion about breakfast food.


See how the connection was made here.

I enjoy stumping a few people with my Wordless Wednesday images, however, The Tour Marm has stumped me not once, but twice. Check out her Wordless Wednesday and her
Figure It Out Friday. Perhaps YOU know the answers? These should be regular stops for you anyway….

Any great history teacher knows that current events turn into history within days, weeks, and months. They collect magazine articles, newspaper clippings, etc. never knowing what might be useful in the classroom. Dan over at A History Teacher understands perfectly. He’s already collecting a great Time article concerning the religion of Islam. Maybe you need to snag it as well for your files.

Write a history Book and Get Out of Jail? Well, that’s what M over at World History Blog is telling us. Go see!

Well, that’s all the strolling I could get done tonight. I hope everyone has a great week. I visited my classroom this afternoon to complete some paperwork (yes, I know it was Sunday), and noticed we have right at 12 weeks of school left. Wow! Time is flying!

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