
Friday, April 27, 2007

Places That Make Me Say NEAT-O!

Perhaps you recently received an envelope from the folks at Edutopia Magazine. The literature states it is more than a magazine. It shares a vision of the ideal educational landscape, where students are motivated to learn and teachers are energized by teaching. Edutopia tells the stories of innovation in education. Head on over to the website and check out all the neat-o resources you can use and don’t forget to subscribe. I was most impressed and have already subscribed.

Rethinking Schools is also an interesting publication that has an online version as well.

Gliffy is a site where you can create and share diagrams and graphic organizers online while Slide helps you to create slideshows with your images. Go have some fun!

Finally take seven minutes and PAY ATTENTION to this video from Teacher Tube. Feel free to share it with those folks in your building who think the computer in the corner is a great shelf or even worse…..the place where “that” kid can keeps himself busy with a reading “game”. After you view the video go check out the other great things to view, learn from, and use at Teacher Tube and check out their blog here.


  1. I just watched the video from Teacher Tube. Wow! Some of those stats are amazing! Technology is the way to go in the classroom today.

    I use all forms of technology in my classroom. Unfortunately, my current school is not "tech friendly." I came from a high school that did everything technology so I feel like I've stepped back in time. At my current school, they don't even use email! We have an email account set up but we were told to not give out our email addresses to parents or students. Every thing is given to us in paper format. The majority of our faculty doesn't even check their email accounts. And, to quote one teacher at my school, "Until our contract forces us to check our email accounts, I'm not doing it!"

    I went out and bought my own LCD projector ($700) so that I could continue to do PowerPoints and Internet activities with my students.

    I have three blogs to post homework assignments for my students, I do WebQuests with the kids, and show video clips that I find online that relates to what I'm doing in my curriculum.

    Great post! :-)

  2. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I stumbled across teachertube recently and love it! Great idea!!!


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