
Monday, May 07, 2007

Additions to the Blogrolls

I’ve been quite remiss about adding certain places to my blogrolls I display here. I really should be doing spring cleaning around here… know….checking all the links and making sure they are still valid, and deleting those that haven’t been updated in months, and months, and months. Classroom duties come first, though, and for the next fourteen days my attention will be elsewhere.

I have managed to finally get a few additions made. Check some of them out.

History Academia
This category is for history teachers at all levels and history sites, however, I know I still have some history teachers mixed in with my education links, so make sure you check those out as well if you haven’t already.

The People History
History Now
M-Dawg's Blog
Buckhorn Road


The Teacher's Staff Room
Matthew K. Tabor
A Library By Any Other Name
Ms. M's Apples
Princess Lionhead's Den
April May
Teaching In the Inner City
How a Second Year Teacher Lives

State and Place Blogs

This is a new blogroll that I began over at Georgia On My Mind since it is a blog about a particular state. I hope to “grow” this list in the near future.

The New York Traveler

Teaching Resources

This is also a new blogroll and it will be one of my projects this summer to add sites I’ve already mentioned etc.

Old Pictures What a resource! 80,000 pictures from the 1850s to the 1940s.
The Futures Channel There’s no history that I can see at this site, but it’s great for science and math videos.

So there you have it….you may already know about these or maybe you have discovered something new!


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Thanks for all the great links and I'm honored to find myself under your educational links. It never ceases to surprise to find that people actually read my rambling thoughts!h

  2. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll! This post prompted me to make the addition of a couple of blogs to mine too, including this one. I have to remember to update it more often, since I try to have it reflect the blogs I read.

  3. Thank you for adding me to your blogroll - I'm very honored! :-)

  4. Spring cleaning on the blog roll...ah, I wish I had your fortitude. Alas, my roll hasn't been updated for over a year. Sheesh!

  5. Hi again
    thanks for adding me to your blogroll also

    Plus just a quick note to say I do like your postings and always find them interesting reading


  6. When you get a moment, take a look at this photo and the story, from the Old Pictures site:

    Is there a religious bias to that site? Is it accurate that Lincoln bargained with God for a victory at Antietam?

  7. thanks for adding me to your were one of my first educational helped set the tone for the value of this tool in education for me (and I just plain enjoyed the adventures of a history teacher (nice meories!)...I am honored to be listed!

  8. Ed, somehow I missed your comment and haven't yet looked at the Lincoln pic (today is 6/14), but I will and let you know what I think.

    VWB, Thanks for the comment and compliment.:)


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