
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wordless 24

I know what it is… you? Look for the explanation soon.

Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. MorningSong
2. Jenny-up the hill
3. And Miles To Go...
4. mama k
5. Amy Grant
6. whenn

Check out the new Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

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  1. Ok, I have toured a few Antebellum homes so my guess is a fly swat over the table (or some sort of fan over the table). The cord is pulled to wave the bugs/mosquitos away during dinner?

  2. Ohhh...I don't know but it is really pretty!

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    wow, beautiful!!

  4. you got me.

    Happy WW!

  5. Is it some sort of ceiling fan?

    Happy WW!

  6. Cant wait to hear what this is

  7. I have absolutely no idea... Some kind of weird chandelier of sorts? Can't think of anything else that hangs from the ceiling..

  8. Well, of course, I know: It is what it is! (And I'm waiting breathlessly for your explanation!)

  9. It's a fly "swatter." Slaves would stand at the rope (seen in the picture) and swing the paddle over the dining room table, while Massa' and Missus dined.


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