
Saturday, June 23, 2007

For Your Weekend Reading Pleasure

The Education carnival is up over at What It's Like On the Inside hosted by the Science Goddess. She’s done a great job of creating a narrative with all the submissions. There are many interesting topics and as usual everyone has an opinion.

The Georgia Carnival is up over at my other place….Georgia On My Mind. Head on over and find out how loneliness can kill you, read about the adventures of a hairy-assed (his words, not mine) husband as he visits a girly, girly tearoom, and since it’s is summer discover three great book reviews….one is called The Political Brain. That’s what we need in politics anyway...more brains!

Have a great weeked!


  1. Well! With that self-described "hairy-assed husband" on my mind, I'm going to trot right on over to Georgia on My Mind!

  2. Next week we'll have an education exhibition at my school here in Thailand too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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