
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Odds and Ends to Begin the Week

This was a hard weekend for me. I had planned to leave town….run away like I did on Mother’s Day, but it ended up working out a different way. My step-mother’s granddaughter was married yesterday and Dear Sister and I attended with our families in tow. It was a big splashy wedding…small country church….large country club. I told the bride’s father he had created a wonderful memory for his daughter.

It is funny how things work out….I wanted to run away and not face the first anniversary of mother’s death. Instead I was reminded that life goes on…time does not stand still. The living must keep living. Even so…it was hard not to remember minute by minute what I was doing this time last year….on Friday, on Saturday, today….

I had ignored the death of Lady Bird Johnson until Friday when I felt compelled to post Lady Bird...More Than Just Wildflowers over at American Presidents. She was a very interesting person to write about.

I began my Friday evening by reading this thought provoking post by Chance over at the Sapient Sutler….Lies and the Lying Teachers Who Teach Them. Head on over and provide Chance some feedback. What do you think?

Ed Darrell over at Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub went further with my post I Love to Tell the Story in his post The Story Is the Thing; Tell the Story in History. He’s hit on some of THE best stories to hook and motivate students.

Finally…..some time ago Klkatz at the U.S. History Site Blog had tagged me here with the 8 things meme…at the same time I was tagged by a Georgia blogger at Georgia On My Mind as well. Long story short I told both I would post 8 additional things over at my Georgia blog…..What have I gone and dilvulged now?


  1. Hey there! I just wanted to stop by and invite you over to my site to check out my YouTube Challenge!
    Thanks, and I hope your summer is going well!

  2. My heart goes out to you at the grief over your mother. My own mother was crying over HER mother just yesterday. It seems a terrible thing, to have to endure such separation from each other if even for a little while. Anyway, I'm thinking of you, and I will say a prayer for your continued strength and comfort.

  3. Thanks Mister Teacher....Just as soon as I can.

    Bellezza, how sweet. Thank you! I was with my mother-in-law yesterday for her birthday. I couldn't help but feel a little sad since a year a go yesterday we buried my mother. One of our blogging friends sent me an email over the weekend remembering my sad anniversary. It was so thoughtful as are your comments. Again, thank you!


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