
Thursday, July 19, 2007

So My Husband Designed a Golf Shoe...What Do You Think?

Ok, so what's the point of having a blog if you don't take advantage of it every now and then....

It seems my husband designed a pair of golf shoes in a contest at

Please click through and vote on the shoe he designed. He is calling the pair "GO DAWGS".

In order to vote visit the site here and roll your mouse over the stars and click to rate. You have to scroll down a bit in order to locate the "GO DAWGS" voting space.

There's a link there when you can see all of the other designs, but as for me and my house we are partial to all things Georgia.


  1. yes, but what if deep in your heart you were an Ole Miss fan, if you had to pick an SEC team?

  2. Sparky, you are welcome to go through the 8 pages of shoes and vote for the one you want to. I understand team loyalty. That's why I referred to the link to see them all. :)

  3. Very cool! I'll mention this site to my dad.. he lives and breathes golf!


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