
Friday, July 06, 2007

Three...Count 'Em...Three Carnivals

The Georgia Carnival can be found at Georgia On My Mind. Topics that really stand out are the responses to Georgia’s House Speaker, Glenn Richardson, who predicts a demise of the blogger…mainly the political kind. There’s an interesting post about George Bush’s America and an informative piece about driving in Atlanta.

The Education Carnival can be found at NYC Educator. Over summer break teachers and parents are discussing charters, budget cuts, and many other things. If you ever blog about education or you just have an opinion you need to get the scoop from the frontlines.

Historianess is hosting this month’s History Carnival. Some of the topics include a Civil War reading list , a post regarding amateur historians, a history of…get this….SEWERS, and my post regarding pin money for the First Ladies was included with many, many other great reads.

Well, looks like I’ve got some readin’ and clickin’ to do….Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm doing three "huge" history related workshops this fall based on projects I've done over the years using primary source documents. One of the workshops is on using Web 2.0 tools in the teaching of history and social studies. Have you explored this? If so let me know if you have found any good resources. I would have emailed you but couldn't locate an email address--email me at Thanks in advance for any leads you can give me. N

  2. KLKatz, thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the tag. I posted an 8 things reponse here at HIE the other day....look back through my June postings, however, I was also tagged at my other site...Georgia On My Mind....

    I plan on posting 8 more things there in the next few days and will link to you as well when I do. I'm sorry abou the email's around, but obviously it's a little hard to see. I'll remedy that soon. I will email you as you requested.:)

    NBosh, I'll be very honest and tell you I'm not sure if I've used web2.0 tools with school is very behind the times when it comes to technology and our capabilities. I'm considered a guru just because I blog.....


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