
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Wordless 29

Isn’t this lovely? What is this? What’s it for? Be specific.

Last week’s explanation is here.

Join in on the fun with Wordless Wednesday here.

Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. Amy Grant
2. Sue
3. SandyCarlson
4. Starrlight
5. Isabelle aka Tricotine
6. Dariana
7. Nancy Liedel
8. Patois

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  1. Terrific photo! Happy Fourth to you!

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    You've stumped me again! Happy WW, and 4th of July!

  3. Burial of somebody statesmanly?

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Oh, I always feel silly when I don't know the answer!! lol Happy 4th and Happy WW!

  5. Great guesses so far. Keep working on it. The first hint is that it is located in the south.

  6. Hrm...the south? Lee's tomb maybe?

  7. Anonymous10:52 PM

    a bird sanctuary? Happy WW.

  8. Mmmh... Could it be some famous soldier or hero's sepulture?

    Happy 4th and WW! :-)

  9. Second hint....No one is buried in this place. Also..there is a Georgia connection, but the structure is not in Georgia.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Happy 4th!

  11. I love this photo. Thank you.

  12. I'd have guessed a tomb, but you've said no one is buried in it. If it's got a Georgia connection, does it relate to the burning of Atlanta in some way?

  13. It looks like it would belong on the grounds of Monticello...
    by the way, Happy Fourth of July and I finally finished your 8 Random Things meme.

  14. Nope....not the burning of Atlanta, but it is from the same era.

    It does have some of the same style of Monticello in a way, but it has nothing to do with Jefferson or his great home.

  15. I honestly don't know what this is or where it is.

    But it is in a Roman/Pantheon style (which is why Ms. George thought of Monticello) and I will make a few twenty questions-type guesses:
    Does it have to do with Sherman?
    Is it a memorial?
    Does it have to do with Andersonville?

    P.S. Happy 4th! I spent mine in Washington, DC. between visiting the Archives (DOC etc.) and watching the fireworks. Photos when I can figure out how to use that new Slide.

  16. It is a memorial. Sherman was involved. It does not involve any event that happened in Georgia.

    Yes, I realize this one is a little difficult.

    Go back and read through all of the clues.

  17. Whoa. I'm having old-timers...I've seen this on tour!

    I think it is one of the battlefield memorials at Vicksburg. Illinois?

  18. Yes, you are indeed correct. It is the Illinois memorial at the Vicksburg battlefield.

    I'll be telling all the interesting details about it in a couple of days.

  19. I remembered it when I was rereading your Vicksburg post. (it's been 15 years since I've seen it.)


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