
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wordless 30

Who is this? What is significant about this person?

Last week’s image was the Illinois Monument located in the battlefield park at Vicksburg…more on it later.

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Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. And Miles To Go...
2. So Lost
3. Jarid and Caydon\'s blog
4. Mark Caldwell
5. Nancy Liedel
6. Our Happy Happenings

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  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    great photo--don't know who it is.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    He needs to smile - maybe then I'd know - - :)

    Janine @ Moving Mama

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Are we sure it's a "he"? Fairly gentle features. Wool shirt? ...World War I? Artic? Mmmm...interesting.

    This is too much thinking. Is this testable?

  4. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I have no clue.

  5. Have no clue who he is, but he is cute. Happy WW.

  6. Eric, you have great photo analysis skills. Keep heading in the direction you are going....

  7. Certainly looks like it's a world war I era photograph but I don't recognise who it is.

  8. I detect from the shirt that it is a woman.

    I agree with Eric that it is WWI and there is no indication of rank, so i think it is a civilian.

    Could she be a correspondent/reporter?

  9. Anonymous12:53 PM

    cant guess it.
    thanks for the visit.

  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I'm thinking famous female aviator or explorer, photographer, correspondent is a good one.

    I'm looking with no luck.

    (and yeah, the fill of the shirt was another indicator for the female part)

    Is she in a tent? What's that behind her over her right shoulder? a chair back?

  11. Is this Frances Marion?

  12. There seems to be pages of reports tacked on the wall.

    I'm guessing Francis Marion (Owens) since she served in France during WWI. I've only found photos of her from the 1930's when she was a successful screenwriter but if I take into account make up and the airbrush as well as over 10 years, it just might be her.

  13. I have no idea who it is, or actually even if it's a man or a woman!

  14. No, it's not Francis Marion (0wens). It is a woman, and she served for a time during WWI until "he" was discovered to be a "she".

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I kinda thought that might be the case.

  16. I have been researching WWI soldiers, cross-dressing, disguised, feminist and GLBT sites and I guess I'm giving up! (Unless I get another clue!)

  17. Dorothy Lawrence? WWI reporter?

  18. Nope, not Dorothy Lawrence. In fact, she is rather obscure. I just happened upon....there really isn't alot about given anywhere really.

    So, here's a hint....this should do it.....She's from Douglas, Arizona.

  19. Good lord that is obscure. Hazel Carter.

    Stowed away to be with her soldier husband. Now that's love. Where's an indie movie producer when you need one?

  20. Yeah, it is. I told ya' it was.....

    What's so sad is she had to go home and died before the husband got back to her.


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