
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Problem: History Students Who Are Not Proficient in English

Every year I have more and more students who appear at my door throughout the year who cannot speak a word of English or students who have problems reading English. Though they are placed with our ESOL teacher for assistance with learning English it is still up to me to find someway for my new charges to understand American History.

It’s not easy.

I could have just added this new resource to the blogrolls and let you find it on your own, but I think it’s worth a mention.

Larry Ferlazzo has put together an excellent resource for teachers in the areas of English language learning in the disciplines of Social Studies and Language Arts.

He has thousands of links specifically accessible to English Language Learners and to younger native speakers.

Check out his Geography and U.S. History page that has links to textbook audio among many other things. I’m most excited about that! It’s a fantastic resource for your classroom, and it really doesn’t matter if you don’t use the Worldview or American Story textbook. Just think of the possibilities!

Make sure you check out Larry’s World History page and his samples of student work as well. He’s used many of the hundreds of tools at his site for students to create social studies projects, some of which you can see.

…and please, don’t forget his great blog as well.

I’m linked, are you?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Thanks for the kind words, and for the continued helpful info you post in your blog!



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