Yesterday I posted part one of my syllabus I provide for students at the beginning of the year.
Here is the rest of it:
Class Work-Students will be responsible for various assignments each day---many of these will be graded. Lessons are planned very carefully, and time limits are taken into consideration. Students are expected to complete class work in class---it will not turn into homework unless special conditions apply.
Homework-Homework is required. Students should review their notes for at least 10 minutes each night. Reading a sub-section of the current chapter is also a great tool for success. Homework is an important part of the curriculum as it provides extra time for independent and responsible thought regarding the content from that day’s class. Written homework assignments are always due the next school day. Assignments will be written in the agenda. Total homework time for fourth grades in all subjects combined should never extend beyond a 40 minute period. Please note there are several opportunities for students to begin and/or complete an assignment---while students are in the hallway before the school day begins, if a student finishes class work early, or at the end of the day while listening to transportation calls.
It is understood; however, from time to time family emergencies will arise. Students MUST bring a note to class regarding the missed homework assignment the day the assignment is due or upon the student returning to school (refer to the section regarding late/missing assignments for further information). Playing sports, cheerleading, or other afternoon lessons does not constitute an excuse for failing to complete homework. There are no exceptions given for long term assignments.
Study Guides-Students will receive a study guide at the beginning of a new unit of study. The study guide will be kept in the student’s notebook during the course of the unit. The guide contains all of the information a student needs to be successful---the essential question for the unit, the page numbers in the text where information can be found, the test and/or quiz dates, project information, vocabulary words, key questions for each lesson, and information regarding extra credit. At the beginning of each unit students will be given a homework assignment to share the study guide with a parent and to obtain a parent signature.
Extra Credit-Students can earn extra credit during every unit of study by following directions that are printed on each study guide. During the unit students will define every vocabulary word and answer each key question on notebook paper. Students will turn in their work with their notebook on test day. Based on how complete the assignment is students can receive up to five points added to their test grade and an extra letter grade in the gradebook. Students are encouraged to work on their extra credit througout the days leading up the test. It should never be completed in one night. This can be a terrific study method! Students will be instructed early in the year regarding the procedures and strategies to follow in order to complete extra credit.
Classroom Rules-Students are required to follow classroom rules and procedures. Students will be instructed regarding various classroom procedures (how to turn in papers, etc.). The classroom rules are as follows:
1. We will respect the rights of others
2. We will respect personal property and the property of others.
3. Before saying anything outloud, I will ask myself: Is this kind? Is this necessary?
4. We will not eat in the classroom unless a special event is planned.
5. We will follow the rules of specific areas and those printed in the student handbook and student agenda.
Attendance-Please refer to the county and school handbooks regarding the importance of perfect attendance. All guidelines and regulations will be strictly enforced.
Late Work/Missing Assignments: If students choose not to complete and turn in classwork or homework assignments they will earn grades of zero. If work is turned in late due to absence only those students who have legal, excused absences will be given credit. If absences are not excused make-up work will not be allowed. Please understand family vacations are not excused absences. Please schedule doctor and dental appointments after school hours. If the student has not been absent and has late work it will be accepted, however, five points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. Students will be instructed regarding the procedure to obtain makeup work during the first few days of class.
Progress Reports: Parents will receive the traditional mid-term and end-of-term reports printed by the school system. Parents will also receive additional reports if the student’s average falls below a “B” (79 or below) and has incomplete or missing assignments. Student behavior is closely monitored. Parents will be asked to sign these reports and return them to school for verification. Social Studies grades are based on classwork, pop-quizzes, noteooks, projects, unit tests, and extra credit.
This syllabus should become a permanent part of the student’s notebook for reference throughout the year. Students will be instructed to place the syllabus inside their Social Studies notebook. From time to time students will be given points for having the syllabus in the appropriate spot during the year.
Slip….Please cut along this line…..
Social Studies
August, 2007-2008
Student Name_________________
I have read and discussed the Social Studies syllabus with my child and we understand EHT’s requirements.
Parent Signature
very good syllabus. clear objectives and expectations.
ReplyDeleteit reminds me that my newsletter isn't nearly as thorough as I need it to be