
Monday, September 03, 2007

Two Rockwells for Labor Day

This image was completed in 1937 by Rockwell Kent and is called Workers of the World Unite. Kent completed many landscapes in his lifetime, however, he was also a political activist. Many of his prints were used primarily for politcally charged magazines.

While the second image was not intended to be a Labor Day image I’m using it today since it not only celebrates the worker it also celebrates the contribution women have made to the American workforce. This is one of Norman Rockwell’s most famous images, Rosie, The Riveter, painted in 1943 during World War II.

This image served as the color illustration for the May 29, 1943 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. The canvas was donated to the United States Treasury Department’s Second War Loan Drive that year.

In 2002 the painting sold at Sothesby’s at auction for $4,959,500.

For more Labor Day reading here is my Post from last year's Labor Day and an article from the Detroit News that might interest you.

1 comment:

  1. That's probably one of my favorite Rockwell paintings. A perfect choice.


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