
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wordless 39: 9/11 Six Years Past

No guessing games this week....only remembrance.

Related Posts: 9/11: Lessons Learned
Have We Always Had Terrorism or Is It Something New?
Shazaam, Thar' Be Pirates!

See other wordless images here.


  1. This is the first September 11th observance that I have not been in New York. It was a deliberate choice.

    I made my peace at a Easter sunrise service at St. Paul's Chapel opposite 'Ground Zero' in 2002 and decided, after my fifth observance (subsequently at Trinity Church), that I needed to get on with my life.

    I lost a great many friends and countless people, that I worked with, who were part of the tour/hospitality industry. (The staff of Windows on the World, the observation deck, and the many restaurants etc. in the mall area.)

    I had been in the Marriott WTC on September 9th, returned home on the 10th to see the fireball and smoke rise from the Pentagon in my rear view mirror on the 11th. Both of my 'homes' were attacked. My sense of safety was challenged.

    While the vision of the World Trade Center still brings a tear to my eye, as I said, I've made my peace, which is not to say that I am complacent about terrorism. Quite the opposite.

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    we will never forget....

  3. for a history teacher, this has to be a tad difficult day to deal with yet.

    sparky's photo hut

  4. Thanks for visiting! My wordless got a bit overshadowed this week by the Education Carnival. :)

  5. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Remember and never forget!

  6. Why does "remember and never forget!" sound like a war cry to me? I hope it isn't.


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