
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Education Carnival: 142

Welcome to the midway of the 142nd Carnival of Education!

I’m honored to host the carnival again and if you’ve stopped by before I hope you enjoy the new look here at my history spot. My new design is one of the best “teacher gifts” I have ever received. The gift even included a new design for my Georgia site. Sure beats a coffee mug…..Many thanks to the designer! A link to her can be found at the bottom of the left column.

Here's the very latest roundup of entries from around the EduSphere. Unless clearly labeled otherwise, all entries this week were submitted by the writers themselves.Folks interested in hosting an edition of the C.O.E. should let Edwonks know via this email address: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net.

Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about last week's midway, which was hosted over at The Education Wonks. Visit the C.O.E.'s early archives here, and the later archives there. Next Week's Carnival….the Halloween edition… will be hosted by What It’s Like On the Inside. Contributors are invited to send their submissions to: the_science_goddess [at] yahoo [dot] com, or use this handy submission form. Entries should be received no later than 6:00 PM (Eastern) 3:00 PM (Pacific) Tuesday, October 30, 2007. Please include the title of your post, and its URL, if possible. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the midway should open next Wednesday morning.

Let the free exchange of thoughts and ideas begin!

Performance Pay and Teacher Quality

Joe Torre’s recent nix on a contract based on pay per performance has heightened the discussion regarding the same for educators….Eduwonkette explains performance pay assumptions in the first of four postings.

NYC Educator opines regarding why he will never receive merit pay.

Edwize offers a post concerning the recent agreement between the UFT and New York City on mechanisms to help teachers retiring at 55 and a pilot program establishing voluntary school-wide bonuses.

I Thought a Think is attempting to answer the nagging question of teacher quality.

Epic Adventures Are Uncomfortable wants to know what you think about assessments and accountability.

Perhaps we just need to dress a bit better…. Check out this tongue in cheek defense of grunge….Business Associations Blog questions a dress code for law faculty.

Woodlass wonders if the word prevaricator is politically correct?

Over at Teacher in a Strange Land Nancy’s topic is Teach For America. Has Teach For America done anything to reconceptualize the work of teaching as both socially valuable and complex professional practice?

Making the Grade and Student Assessment

Universe of Success says beware the power of the suggestion. Can students succeed simply through a suggestion?

Should grades report academic achievement or lack thereof only, or should they punish students who aren’t responsible? Join in on the Responsibility Paradox over at Repairkit.

Speaking of grades The Colossus of Rhodey is pleased a judge has tossed out the "he gave me a C" lawsuit.

Tested--Linda Perlstein's new book examining the impact that NCLB has had on teaching and learning in America's schools--has left The Tempered Radical wondering whether or not our country's singular focus on "results" is actually failing our students.

Discipline and Class Management

Jo writing at HorseSense and Nonsense states, “So much for desegregation….” Read on through the post Teacher Watch: Student Race and Discipline.

Mrs. Bluebird reminds us what happens when parents perform a disappearing act.

Greg from Rhymes With Right racks up another knotch in the zero tolerance absurdities.

Hmmmmm….Do college kids really exhibit a lack of motivation and also come to class unprepared? Siobhan Curious takes the bull by the horns.

Remember what you thought teaching would be like before you ever entered the classroom? Scenes From the Battleground reminds us about the question every newbie asks… Is this normal?

Ms. Cornelius relates a sad case of text messaging in her class (and it’s not the students!).

So You Want to Teach provides simple solutions to classroom management issues with Five Ways to Win When Children Test Your Limits.

Teaching Resources and Programs for Students

Online Educational Database has linked to 250 Plus Killer Digital Libraries and Archives….the site states, “This list contains over 250 libraries and archives that focus mainly on localized, regional, and U.S. history, but it also includes larger collections, eText and eBook repositories, and a short list of directories to help you continue your research efforts." This list is a real keeper.

Dash for Splash…Consent of the Governed explains a great program for high school age students at MIT with a reasonable enrollment fee of $30. Sounds like a deal to me. Kids fly in from all parts of the country…Check it out!

Larry Ferlazzo submits an amazing web tool that can create a web tour.

The Student Help Forum provides essential software for students. I took a look at these and noticed two or three that could help me.

Teaching…Content and Strategies

“For some subjects, the best way to teach them is to actually do them. Health is one of those subjects. As useful as it is to learn about healthy practices, it’s much more useful to actually participate in healthy practices.” Homeschooling Journey gives us 10 real life ways to teach health.

Edo Period art, Japanese words on the subject of eating, and early modern Japan….You can't teach a four-year-old that.

Matt-a-matical Thinking has discovered the solution to our math woes! It’s Small Math. Matt says he’s just being snarky, but he may really have uncovered some truths.

Those truths continue to hold water as Mister Teacher of Learn Me Good fame asks, “Does this make "cents" to you?

Due to my experience with fractions I can understand Denise’s statement, “Fractions are a filter, separating the math haves from the luckless have nots.” Take her quiz and then leave her a comment at Let’s Play Math.

From Dy/Dan…”It's called Information Design and I'm pretty sure it is the mathematical skill most lacking in our high school graduates”….and what about that The Red Dot?

How do you teach students to show instead of tell as they write. Californiateacherguy shows how writing instruction can be an instructional struggle…. inspiration vs. prespiration

Michael Umphrey states, “Why do cowboys sing? We’re here. We have voices. It’s our world, too. For a long time the impact of communications technologies on culture tended to be alienating. Now, anyone can have access to a sophisticated recording studio. Anyone can publish his or her writing for free. Anyone can have movie editing software with many of the capabilities of the big studios. Teachers who are playing heads up ball see this as a huge opportunity.” Click through and read the remainder of his essay that asks and answer the question…Why use technology in the English classroom?

In honor of History Is Elementary hosting the carnival Book Mark decided to offer us a recent event in her classroom where history knowledge collided with Language Arts. In Vermeulenblog’s words “sad, but fun”.

Sharpbrains gives us a selection of brain teasers on attention, memory, and logic.

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Jose Vilson has explained the workshop model by giving us a scenario.

School Culture and Community

Successful Teaching reminds us all who the two most important people are on any school campus.

Darren from Right on the Left Coast says, “Why would you make a law that's very bad for most people, just to protect a small number of students for whom lack of this law might be a problem?” He’s discussing "the pill" at middle school.

There has been much discussion regarding healthy food choices for our students at school. Joanne Jacobs provides "Healthy Food" Can't Compete and show some school consumers are glad they have a choice….for now.

Dave Saba provides his take regarding the AP article on sexual misconduct plaguing schools.

Have you heard about California’s SB777? Homeschool 2.0 explains a little from all sides regarding the Student Civil Rights Act.

Isn’t it a powerful slam dunk if the mayor in your city or town is sending his/her children to private schools? Going to the Mat writes about Michelle Rhees next big challenge.

Just in!….Your education level can determine the severity of Alzheimers. The Education Wonks explains with Alzheimers and Education: The Bad and the Worse

Striking Teachers

Did you know Israeli teachers are striking? Shiloh Musings explain what Israeli teachers want.

Me-ander also discusses the Israeli strike with Being Nice

Columbus Education Association is taking a look back at a strike in their local’s history with Voices From 1975: The Strike, Part 2

Perhaps striking teachers could pick up some techniques for negotiating from How to Negotiate the Best Salary and Benefit Packages.

That College Life

What are your options if you can’t save enough to meet that college tuition bill? Moolanomy has 7 ways to get a college degree for less.

History Geek over at And Gladly Wolde (S)He Lerne discusses why prerequisites are important.

Is college really necessary? Ken Nubo states, “College kids are worthless.

Ivy League dreams? Make them a reality. Although you may not be able to physically commute to an Ivy League campus, that shouldn’t keep you from "attending" classes at an Ivy League university.

Matthew K. Tabor, in a multi-part posting, analyzes ten stupid ways to ruin your college application.

With at least five different colleges announcing enrollments of fifty thousand plus Campus Grotto asks, “Will colleges limit enrollment in the future?

Great College Advice provides the upside regarding state standardized tests.

The next time you see a young lady or even a young man dreamily wishing she was a fashion magazine intern point her towards this post from Career Advice because in reality it’s a tough job.

And finally: This, like nearly all of our journeys around the EduSphere, has been both enjoyable and informative. We continue to thank all the contributors whose submissions make the midway's continuing success possible, the folks who give of their time to help spread the word, and the readers who continue to make it A Free Exchange of Thoughts and Ideas.

If you are visiting via a carnival link you can locate the main page and other postings from History Is Elementary here.


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Love the thrills and spills. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job.

  2. Excellent, an A+ for sure!

  3. Thanks, I really do like to host the carnival and enjoy everyone stopping by.

  4. Anonymous4:39 PM

    thanks for the carnival, it's really appreciated.

  5. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You've got to link this to my Weblink Wednesday post...


  6. Great job! Lots of interesting reads!

  7. Outstanding! Thanks for including me!

  8. Great job on the carnival! :-)

    Since I'm in the midst of writing college recommendation letters for my students, I really enjoyed reading the article on Ten stupid ways to ruin your college application.


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