
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Wordless 43

This great American home has a dark past. What's the name of the home? Why does it have dark past?
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  1. But, it doesn't 'look' dark ... it looks bright and ... BIG.

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Have no idea but it is a very cool old house. Is it the Winchester House?

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    what a beautiful house but I have no Idea what history it has.

  4. No, it isn't the Winchester House which is a pretty strange place, and even though the sun is shining there is a "dark" history of sorts.

  5. Lyndhurst Castle in New York.

    Apparently it was the set of the movies House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows. Both were based on the weird 70s soap opera Dark Shadows.

  6. Griftdrift you are just too much. You are right on the money and for your efforts you get the gold star this week!


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