
Friday, February 08, 2008

Carnivals for Many Interests

Georgia blogger and fellow educator, Terrell, over at Alone on a Limb maintains the Carnival of Environmental Education. The February edition is being hosted here and Terrell advises the March edition will be returning to his blog next month. Check out all the different ways educators are using the great outdoors to engage students.

Interested in improving education? Interested in education policy? Then the education carnival is for you hosted at The Colossus of Rhodey. It’s not just lesson plans and theory. If education is your thing you can also check out the A Teacher's Life blog carnival and don’t forget the Carnival of Homeschooling.

The latest edition of the Georgia Carnival can be found here

Finally, lots of interesting postings regarding various history topics can be found at Historia i Media. This blog is written in Polish, but a large majority of the submissions are written in English so just click through the submission links and be surprised if you don’t have a translator program.


  1. Thanks fro the recommendations!

  2. Thanks, EHT, for pointing folks to Learning in the Great Outdoors, the Carnival of Environmental Education. I am hopeful that LIGO can become a really useful resource for folks, like me, who want to use the environment as a context for learning.
    I appreciate the boost from one of my favorite education blogs.


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