
Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Happy Dance Time!

It's all over now but post-planning, isn't it? Now it's on to spending the next eight weeks tweaking those lesson plans, creating new slide presentations, looking for new sources, and research, research, research. Oh, and don't forget team meetings to plan, professional development classes to attend, college classes to finish up at break neck speed, and reading all of those professional manuals and research books you've stacked up for the summer.

....and you just thought we sat around and ate bon-bons all summer, didn't you?

If you are a parent, I sympathize with your plight.

If you are a fellow educator, HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!


  1. Congratulations on your well earned summer vacation!

    You won't take a break from blogging will you--even with all of tweaking, creating, looking, researching, attending and reading?

    I know I've been AWOL for the past few months, but I'd desperately miss your Enlightenment.

    P.S. Can you share more of your teaching strategies/learning activities as you are tweaking?

  2. Congrats on your "vacation" as well Miss A.

    No, I would never take a break from blogging. It has become a very important part of my life. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to. :)

    Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I do need to get back to strategies...and learning activities. I will try to do more this in the coming months.


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