Well….I don’t think anyone noticed, but if you stopped by yesterday my cartoon image of myself and my other identifiers on this blog were missing. Instead you would have seen the image and name of another blogger…..100 Farmers.
We participated in a little April Fool’s prank that was led by Mister Teacher over at Learn Me Good. You can see his “day two” post here where he identifies all of the participants. Mister Teacher states, “A group of us got together and decided that we would switch blogs for the day and see if anyone noticed. Looking around at some of the blogs involved, it doesn’t look like many people did notice.” He continues, “At any rate, noticed or not, ballyhooed or critically disdained, we had fun.”
Yes, indeed….we did.
Long story short my particular post regarding a college history activity I do with students was posted over at Scholastic Scribe , and the post from 100 Farmers regarding progress reports was posted here at History Is Elementary.
The whole thing was motivating for me, and I sincerely thank Mister Teacher for arranging the swap.
Here are the other participants:
100 Farmers
Bluebird's Classroom
History is Elementary
It's Not All Flowers and Sausages
I Want to Teach Forever
Learn Me Good
Ms Teacher
Scheiss Weekly
The Scholastic Scribe
So You Want to Teach?
Tales of a School Bus Driver
I think no one had seen that.