
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Convoluted and Corrupt System

Ask students today to brainstorm a few adjectives to describe politicians and the words honest, trustworthy, and true will rarely come up. Descriptors that are provided over and over are crook, shady, and liar.

I have to wonder….is it the politician who is dishonest or does the dishonesty stem from such a convoluted and corrupt system that has been allowed to flourish?

In 1975, following President Nixon’s resignation from the White House, Americans were longing for a simpler time….a time when they felt they had a more honest relationship with the man inhabiting the White House.

Follow this link over to American Presidents for my post 1975: Nostalgic for Give ‘em Hell, Harry.

If I still haven’t gotten your attention then follow the link to discover what the band Chicago and Harry Truman have in common


  1. The comedian George Carlin took your idea on where the corruption comes from one step further. He said politicians

    "don't fall out of the sky....They come from American parents, American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, American universities, and they are elected by American citizens...if you have selfish, ignorant citizens you're going to get selfish ignorant leaders...maybe it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe WE suck."

    Just something to chew on...

  2. I think everybody has their own agenda now. The theory of loving thy neighbor went out with the trash for many people long ago. When politicians get in office they have their own reasons for wanting to be there. And even if there is a shred of nobility in them, it seems to quickly vanish with the granting of power. What is that saying? Absolute power...

  3. I'm not a big fan of politicians, but I think that a lot of the problem stems from the voters. (This may be the next post on my blog.) A common complaint is that politicians are bought off by interest groups. So why do politicians need money? They need a lot to spend on TV commercials, signs, direct mail, and all kinds of other crap. If voters were not influenced by these things produced by the "campaign," then politicians would not need all kinds of money to spend on them. There are other ways that voters are partly to blame, but I will save that for further ranting later.


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