
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless: FOUR

Hmmmm….Why is that hunk of wood placed next to the bed? What is it for?

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  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Some kind of bed anchor I would assume.

  2. I'm clueless. Wonder what would happen if you moved it.

  3. Not an do have to move it in order to use it the way it is intended.

    If you ever owned a pair of roller skates think about the skate key......what was it used for?

    Same principle here...

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

  5. It is a "key" to tighten the ropes on the bed. When you tour the historical homes here in New England, all the beds have those "keys" next to them. :=)

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I believe that is a bed key, used for tightening the ropes supporting the mattress. The ropes would eventually start to stretch and sag, so the key was used to tighten them up again.


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