
Friday, May 04, 2012

Sell Those Textbooks!

I gave Dear Daughter some money last week to clean out a few closets I wouldn't have to.

She deposited three large containers with odds and ends at the bottom of the steps and announced she was done. 

 I said....."Oh, are those things to throw away?" 

She responded yes, but I was already ticking off things I could readily see as items I had paid for and might want to use again, so......instead of hauling the containers off to the street to the trash I sat down and went through the containers. 

 I made three piles.....keep, Goodwill, and trash. 

 Wouldn't you know it? The trash pile was the smallest, but Goodwill was fairly substantial. Most of the items in the keep pile were notebook binders and textbooks. Yes, she was going to throw away good....heavy....expensive textbooks.

 I decided I could sell them online, and this is what I found:

Via: Sell Back Your Book


  1. Glad you were able to make use of the "for trash" stuff in there and sell online. Goodluck on selling them!

  2. Hi! I love your website, especially your pics of Seaside, FL. I love the beach and could move there is heartbeat but my husband likes the mountains more. I guess we will stay put right where we are....Blount County, AL...halfway between the beach and the mountains! I have lots of useful information on your blog and have bookmarked it for future use! Visit my blog if you get a chance (be patient though, I am a new blogger and am currently giving my blog an overhaul): Thanks a bunch! Diane

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I gotta do this as well, I have bunch of books kept.

    Medical Assistant in West Virginia


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