
Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Brand New Place to Go

History lovers, educators, and folks who like to travel should run right on over to The Educational Tour Marm, a brand new spot on the ‘net.

The Tour Marm has entertained readers for several weeks here at History Is Elementary by knowing scads and scads of information about each and every Wordless Wednesday I’ve posted. I’ve really had to work hard to figure out ways to challenge her. Now she will entertain us with her vast knowledge at her own site.

Currently she has an interesting post titled Figure It Out Friday. Can you relate the two pictures? She also links to my Internet Challenge regarding the lost Wyeth painting. Thanks Tour Marm for doing your part.

Hey, have YOU sent your email to five people yet asking them to forward it to five more?

Finally, she relates her humorous adventure in choosing a name for her site. It can be difficult these days with so many good names already chosen or highjacked. Recently I wanted to set up a spot just for me and my own private musings….you know….undercover. I had a few names in mind and began to check on them. They were all taken. When I checked further the majority of them had been chosen way back in 2004 or 2005, one entry had been made and then the writer had stopped. Come on Blogger…..if someone hasn’t posted in two years shut it down and put the blogname back into play.

But I digress…I’ll save my rantings for another day. Right now you have somewhere else to go, and I'm keeping you.

Now, comb your hair, wash your hands, and go on over and introduce yourself to the new marm in town!


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What a lovely and gracious introduction!

    I look forward to receiving and visiting new friends.

    But do not fret; I shall remain a loyal contributor to History is Elementary!

    Thank you!

    The Educational School Marm

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I guess I'm still struggling with my new name; I signed out as The School Marm instead of The Tour Marm!

    I'm giving myself detention and an assignment to write my name 100 times in a composition notebook!

    The Tour Marm


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