
Monday, January 22, 2007

Out of Sight...Out of Mind

The new Blogger moved many of us out of our comfort zones and forced us to do some blogging things differently. I hate change. I love my comfort zone. I haven’t switched History Is Elementary over to the new blogger, yet. I did, however, set up Georgia On My Mind in the new Blogger and I have found it very easy to use. Hopefully the process for this site will begin in February. Take this as a heads up that some changes are underway…..I just hope I don’t loose things in the process.

As I’ve branched out a bit and taken a gander at homeschool blogs, mommie blogs, political blogs, and religious blogs I noticed many people had the collapsible blog rolls. I thought they were really “neat-o” (excuse me, while I reveal my 1970s mentality). I decided to take the time to cut and paste code and move each blogroll into a collapsible program. It took one entire afternoon. Previously I had spent another afternoon organizing my links into various groups.

Well, no offense to the particular folks who wrote the code which enables a blogroll to collapse…it’s a wonderful thing I’m sure for most people, but as my post title states-----out of sight…out of mind. Blog names that stare out at me as I check to see if something posted correctly prompt me to go and and visit.

It took a few weeks but slowly it dawned on me that I hadn’t visited several people in several days…not necessarily because I was too busy, but because I had lost my prompt. My long, long list of links served as a prompt. If I haven't visited you in awhile, I'm sorry. I'll be by sometime this week. Look for my long, long list of links to reappear shortly.


  1. Like you, I dislike change. I've been afraid to try New Blogger because deep down I suspect I'll lose what little I've established so far. I'm not terribly computer literate, so perhaps that's some of the reason for my reticence. Lucky you that you can do all that collapsable stuff.

  2. Funny you wrote this; I'm having the same feelings about Bloglines (since I went that route recently). Stupid bloglines doesn't have a feed for some of the blogs half the time and I miss out on new posts. I need to find a better system myself so I don't fall into the "out of mind..." way of doing things.

    I guess I just felt the need to vent! haha

  3. I think it just goes to show we might see things on someone's site and think wow, that's cool. I need to do that, but then you find it doesn't really work for you personally.

    Bellezza, I don't really know that much. I just keep messing with it until it finally works.

    Megan, thanks for visiting and venting. :) You come back anytime.


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