
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wordless Wednesday Week 6

Who is this very important man?
Look for my explanation post this Friday regarding this image.
Last week's explanation can be found here.
Another image can be found at Georgia On My Mind.
It's two for one!


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Hmmm... I'm thinking I should know this. *sigh* It's just not coming to me.

  2. Will check back on Friday to find out mystery man's identity.
    Enjoyed the New Year's post.
    Happy New Year,

  3. Long time White House usher Ike Hoover; he began his tenure in 1891 when he was sent to the White House by the Edison Company to wire it for electric lights. President Harrison hired him; President Wilson made him Chief Usher. He saw it all and died, without writing his memoirs, in 1933, after 42 years of service.

    Where DO you find this stuff?

  4. Better yet, teachergirl, How did you know who it is?

  5. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I had no idea... but the file name of the pic gave it away :) We never learned too much about American history up here in Canada, but I've always found it interesting, and it's never too late to learn! Cheers :)

  6. I'll have to come back Friday. Happy WW!

  7. Intriguing! I'll be back to learn about the girl.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Wow, I'm hooked. I'll be back on Friday to here more of the story.

  9. Anonymous1:18 AM

    well, looks like teachergirl gave us the answer... with an interesting story.

  10. Oh, but there's more.......

  11. Angelo, I can't believe I was that I have more of a challenge for next week and I'm going to have to make Friday's post something really special.

  12. since I am not from America. I think I can be excused for not knowing this... bUt the file name IS a give away... Happy New Year....

  13. I don't think I'm familiar with this. I'm from the Philippines and if this man is from the American History, I think I wouldn't know him. Will check on the story later.
    Mine's up too.

  14. I keep thinking it's AP Carter. The only thing is, I'm sure it isn't.

  15. I'm just a history geek with a longer Christmas vacation than most. The file name IS a give away, but I do have a little more time on my hands than normal. I found his obituary in an old Time magazine. PrepGirl is on her way to school; I'm next up on Friday and BrownBear goes Monday.

  16. Nice history lesson! It's amazing and tells us a lot about the past, when we see how most folks in the past served and didn't bother about a "tell-all" book...

  17. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I have that same feeling in my stomach as when my 11th grade math teacher, in a "writing across the curriculum" moment, gave us a pop quiz and asked who the schools in our district were named after and why. I had just come back from Germany (lived in Berlin for 4 years), and I had no idea who John Jay, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Marshall, etc., were. Failed the quiz but learned about Supreme Court Justices!

    Mine is up!

  18. I love history so I'll be back. I just finished reading John Adams and was completely absorbed!!

    Holly's Corner

  19. Ill be back. I love reading biographies..any suggestions?

  20. Anonymous11:57 AM

    OK. I'm better at art and architecture, however, I'm starting to think this may be a drawing of a young, middle-aged John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (rather than the older, toothless one!) but I shall still be researching.

    A.M. Whittaker

  21. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Well, I'll be darned, it IS Ike Hoover! I found a great link:
    Kudos! teachergirl!!!
    A.M. Whittaker

  22. Don't know, but I love history, so I'll check back on Friday!

  23. I right clicked and checked properties. I was expecting it to be a relation of yours.

    Great Idea for a WW

  24. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Cool, pic. I'm enjoying the history lessons since finding your site through the Wordless Wednesday group. Keep up the great posts!

    Happy WW!

  25. Amazing,nice blog! so smart!

  26. He looks familiar but I cannot place him. He is very distinguished though. Looking forward to the answer :-)

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my WW. The clouds were amazing and I hurried home so I could get a photo of them; I watched the clouds all the way home and was hoping I wouldn't miss it.

    Have a great day!

  27. Anonymous9:03 PM

    My guess would've been Mr Roger's grandfather...
    Yeah, I'm not so good at history.

  28. without looking at the previouse comments . . . I'm guessing: Calvin Coolidge?

    Oh, drats . . . Hoover.
    Well that was fun anyway.

  29. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I wouldn't have known w/o checking properties. Very distinguished he is.


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