
Friday, February 02, 2007

Denied!!!! (in more ways than one...)

First of all Blogger denied me yesterday from posting to this site as well as Georgia On My Mind. I’m not sure what was going on….if you had problems let me know. I was really anxious because the Georgia Carnival was to be up today. I never could get posted. Everytime I attempted to click in the box to enter my log on information I received a “this page is unavailable” message. I tried to log on the new blogger as well as the old.

The snow and ice gods denied me as well yesterday.

It was a sad, sad day around my school campus as students and teachers arrived. Some Georgia counties were closed for ice and more than likely they will be closed again tomorrow. My county, however, had rain. Wet, wet, liquidy, non-ice forming RAIN!

How depressing. How utterly, utterly depressing. I really wish the weather guys would stop toying with us like that.

Well, ice season still has several more weeks. My hopes remain high.


  1. I thought it was just me!

    I've been having other technical problems and have been posting in the wee hours of the morning.

    For instance, it takes three or four tries before my comments are accepted

    Everyone deserves some time off. Sorry about the weather and it seems a bit bleaker for you: Pete has predicted an early spring.

  2. I just posted the Georgia Carnival and noticed an announcement regarding an upcoming outage. It says 11 a.m. but I don't know which time zone or if it was today or if it is tomorrow. Good grief!

  3. It is PST for outage.
    What was the answer? I seened to have missed it.
    We were closed yesterday for snow. I'm in Walker County.


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