
Saturday, March 17, 2007

As Seen On My Computer This Week

Well, today is St. Patrick’s Day and Jarod over at Jarod's Forge gives us the 411 behind the holiday…very well done.

Mrs. Math Teacher on my team just completed our Pi Day celebration on the fourteenth, however, I was must impressed with Belleza’s little celebration to ease testing frustration and anxiety. Check out Marshmallow Day. I love her new look over there and the “look” of her pictures.

Mike over at Education in Texas was a little miffed that his site is censored in China. Seems he located a site that can tell if your blog receives “favored blog” status on the other side of the Earth. It’s kind of fun to enter your url to see if your site makes the cut. Check out the link at Mike’s post Can the Chinese Read You?

Carnivals abound……..the Education Wonks is holding the education carnival, Sharon of Early Modern Web is hosting the history carnival and Bill at Provocative Church is hosting the Georgia Carnival.

"Some Parents Drive Me Crazy!" so says Californiateacherguy while Mrs. Bluebird exclaims, "They just don't care!". All I have to say is, “Can I have an AMEN?!”

Open Culture looks like an interesting site……especially if you want to learn more about podcasts and wikkis, etc.

Not too long ago Graycie over at Today's Homework gave me a huge compliment with a Thinking Blogger Award. Thanks Graycie! I posted about the thinking blogger meme here, and had been remiss about getting my Thinking Blogger award up on the sidebar after I transferred to the new blogger. Today, I finally got that little job off my “to-do” list….only four more pages of “to-dos” to go.

Finally, here are two new sites I’ve added to the blogrolls:

The School of Blog
Cool Cat Teacher Blog

Check out all of these wonderful sites and have a wonderful St. Paddy's Day!

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