
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Did You Know? Shift Happens!

I must have missed this back in August and in subsequent months as it became viral. I guess I stay immersed in the past a little too much and sometimes miss the present. This is an awesome presentation that really says so much. We are in times packed full of “shift”. :) Make sure you have your sound up....the music really fits the slides.

The original author is Karl Fisch from The Fisch Bowl fame. I finally became aware of it a few days ago when I was exploring Scott’s site over at Dangerously Irrelevant.

Thanks Karl for a wonderful lesson and thank-you Scott for pointing this slow-poke towards the fast-lane.

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  1. Wow. Thanks for posting this. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. There was a lot to ponder there.

  2. Add my thank you, please. This was fascinating.

  3. It just blew me away when I saw it. I posted it mainly so I could catalogue and save it....

  4. Thanks for this. It should reaffirm why we should stay focused and put our trust where it belongs!


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