
Monday, June 04, 2007

Civil War Resources

I found the video below on YouTube regarding Antietam and thought I would share it. This creative work shows that YouTube has some really great uses in the classroom with students….if only we could get past those pesky blocks.

I also wanted to document a wonderful Civil War resource called Civil War Album. The picture seen here was snagged from CWA. It was taken on the summit of Kennesaw Mountain looking towards Little Kennesaw. At CWA you can click on almost every major battle and see all sorts of images and maps. This is a great source for virtual tours. I’ve been checking out the Jonesboro link quite a bit lately. I'm looking for any pictures that might have been taken during Sherman's march towards Jonesboro....when the railroads were torn up at Red Oak, Georgia. If anyone knows of any please let me know. I grew up there and the area's early history interests me.


  1. Anonymous12:09 AM


    Sherman had no photographer that actually accompanied him during the Atlanta Campaign but George Barnard did follow in his footsteps after Atlanta fell and took a large series of pictures from the Chattanooga area to Savannah, GA.

    These can be seen in the excellent book "George Barnard: Photographer of Sherman's Campaugns" (Hallmark, 1990). The book contains the best quality versions of his photographs that I have ever seen.

    While there are no pictures of the torn up tracks at Red Oak, there is a picture of what's left of the Georgia Railroad tracks near downtown Atlanta after CS Gen. John Bell Hood blew up the 80 car ammunition train right before evactuating the city and its eventual surrender on Sept. 2, 1864. The Atlanta Rolling Mill was levelled basically and all that remains of the cars are their iron wheels.

    Hope this helps.

    Greg Biggs
    Clarksville, TN Civil War Roundtable

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for the link to the video. I had not seen this one.

    Here are two links to my blog where I talk about using YouTube to teach about the Civil War:



    Jim Beeghley

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting Greg and Jim.

    Greg, I'll check on the book you mention. Thanks for the tip.

    Jim, these look like great links. I'm updating my blogrolls later in the week and will link to you.

    Hope you both visit again soon!

  4. My son and I are studying the Civil War now so this video will be great for our studies. I enjoy your blog.


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