
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Jackson's Marriage and a Forgotten Settlement in Georgia

One area I wanted to explore while I was in Mississippi was the 553 Loop that leaves Highway 61, runs adjacent to the old Natchez Trace, and circles back around to rejoin Highway 61 again. The area is known as Church Hill and is home to the historic Maryland Settlement. There are several former plantation homes that are now private residences. They aren’t available for tours, but can be seen from the road. Visits can be made to Christ Episcopal Church which dates from 1857. One of my tour brochures I collected on our trip advises this area is one of the most beautiful and compact plantation tours in the South and is approximately four miles from Springfield Plantation.

Springfield Plantation has many things to boast about, but one of the most important things is it is the location of a presidential marriage…….a marriage complete with unending devotion and scandal. Click on over to American Presidents Blog for my complete post titled Jackson's Marriage at Springfield Plantation.

I’ve also updated Georgia On My Mind with a new post titled Changing Pockets. It concerns a rare geological formation and a former settlement turned ghost valley in the North Georgia Mountains.


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  2. Hi Matthew! Well, you are one up on me having written an actual book and all.....I am attempting that myself write now among other projects.

    I would love to look at your site and link to it.


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