
Friday, June 08, 2007

Georgia Carnival 11

The Georgia Carnival is up over at Georgia On My Mind.

There are many interesting bloggers featured over there. Some highlights include the following:

How many times have your kids already said I’m bored this summer? 30Plusteacher has the answer. In fact her answer is great for any boy from 6 to 96. Check out her post from Best Practices in EducationBoy Boredom: A Way to Stop the Madness.

Lillinda from Life As I See It makes her Georgia Carnival debut with her post Summer School. It’s not what you are thinking, but any female with males in the house can certainly understand where she’s coming from

Are you of the opinion that pastors have it down and all thought out? Pastor Bill gives us Five Reasons Why I Won't Lead My Wife. His post is very honest and I’m sure many men could see themselves in the pastor’s shoes

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be addressed by the correct title once someone has mastered the requirements for a certain level in their professional life. Audacity gives us some background concerning the word colonel in That's Ms. Colonel to You.

There are many other interesting blogs on the Georgia Blogroll as well, and more are being added each week.

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