
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Two Carnivals and a Few links

The 53rd History Carnival is up at American Presidents Blog. There are many great history bloggers featured and wonderful articles presented, but these really stood out to me for various reasons.

1. How should history be taught? Beginning to end, end to beginning, by themes, by haphazard “chapter” hopping? Personally it depends on the age of your student. I believe my nine and ten year olds need history presented to them chronologically since it is the first time the curriculum is being offered to them. They don’t have the sequencing skills to skip around. Danny muses over this very issue in a well written post called Failings of Narrative History.

2. Frumteacher also writes about the teaching of history and is striving to make the subject relevant and interesting for his students in History and Irony.

3. Ever wonder why the rest of the world is so down on America? A Mile in My Enemy's Shoes is rather long, but it is a thoughtful look at American foreign policy. Whether you agree or not…it’s well written.

4. I love to visit the blog Walking the Berkshires. I just don’t get by as often as I would like. Greenmantim often writes about little known events in history that interest me. This month’s History Carnival included his post A Bright, Smart, and Successful Affair. It’s all about the first capture and destruction of an enemy war vessel by Americans in war.

5. Do you think the former Confederate states could ever have a legal reason to obtain an apology for illegal acts of annexation, invasion, or being part of the USA against the will of its citizens? Sounds far-fetched, I know. I’m certainly not of that mind, but M at World History Blog has written about a Georgia citizen who had a very important role in a post Civil War annexation that could set precident.

5. Passing It On included a post from his series about writing your own personal history.

The 122nd Education Carnival is up over at The Education Wonks. Like the History Carnival the entries are many. Here are some of my favorites listed by topic, but you need to head on over and choose your own.

1. Teacher certification...Do we need it? Can the process be fixed?

2. Why do some English learners "get it" and others don't?

3. The Department of Education Should be Abolished

4. History does have a place in the math classroom. I say BRAVO!

5. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Should fourth graders learn to spell it?

6. 22 absences out of 35 days, and the teacher should "make sure" the student passes?

7. When I was your age, television was called books. Mrs. Cornelius has once again made a great point. We are of the same era, and I agree wholeheartedly.

Many thanks to Jim for visiting this week and leaving his link to two very good articles he’s written about teaching the Civil War using You Tube. His website Teaching the Civil War With Technology begs for a complete exploration, however, the article here and here deals specifically with using You Tube. I’ve added Jim’s website to my history blogroll.

Other additions to the blogrolls include
Riley Central

A Difference

Changing High School and

Unscripted Learning in my education category.

Under the category for resources I’ve placed the following:

Voice of the Shuttle—this is a webportal for humanities research. There are many major categories to make your search easier for the sites you need.
and finally…..

Old Magazine Articles—It’s just as it says…..if you need older sources this is the place for you.


  1. I enjoyed your 13, and have a daughter 13 as well!
    Mine are up.... 13 interesting tidbits about 13

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Thank you for linking to my post! I do find that history helps me learn math. The more I understand about how the ideas developed, the better I can understand the ideas themselves.

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Dear HiE,
    Thank you for linking to my blog! I enjoy reading yours, especially on days like today when my classroom management is not the way I want it to be (at all) :-)

  4. Thanks for the comment, frumteacher. Discipline is such a major factor in leaving no child behind. All we need is a little support and cooperation, eh? I hope things have improved for you.


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