
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Fodder For You to Fathom

The newest edition of the Georgia Carnival is up at my other site---Georgia on My Mind. While it’s called the Georgia Carnival the subject matter of the postings is anything but.

Last week’s Education Carnival can be found at Global Citizenship in a Virtual World while the Carnival of Homeschooling can be found at The Voice of Experience.

I’m way behind in my journal reading for some reason. I just keep stacking them up on the coffee table. Meanwhile interesting issues are simply passing me by. I really need to take a day or two and get caught up.

One magazine I’m finally getting around to looking at is the September issue of Edutopia Magazine. They included a list of ten blogs titled Edublogs We Love. Many congratulations to the authors behind these great sites. They are:

2 Cents Worth

Around the Corner v2

Dangerously Irrelevant

Joanne Jacobs

Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch

Leader Talk

Moving at the Speed of Creativity

NYC Educator

PBS Teachers: Learning Now


If you haven’t already noticed these sites involved in the education discussion take time to visit them and add them to your blogroll.

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