
Friday, October 12, 2007

Week Ending Odds and Ends and a Reading Assignment

This week’s wordless image was correctly identified by GriftDrift as Lyndhurst Mansion. The home was designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis and was owned by former New York City mayor William Paulding, George Merritt, and railroad tycoon Jay Gould. In the early sixties the home was turned over to the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

I mentioned in my wordless post the home had a dark past. The past stems from the fact it was used as a location shoot for the theatrical films House of Dark Shadows (1970) and Night of Dark Shadows (1971). You notice it in the credits seen below:

In case you want a reminder regarding the old Dark Shadows show that was seen each weekday afternoon during the early 60s here is the opening and closing trailer.

and now to your reading assignment….

The 20th Georgia Carnival, the Carnival of Education, and the Homeschooling Carnival are up for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

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