
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wordless 57: America, a Great Nation

Welcome to a new chapter in my wordless images. Read about the change I've made here. Look in comments for a short explanation about this image.

Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. Shannon
2. liza
3. Helena
4. Helena
5. aldon @ Orient Lodge
6. Kat\'s Krackerbox
7. Robert
8. Bobbie
9. MamaGeek
10. maryt/theteach
11. Momisodes
12. mamacita tina
13. Shelia
14. Diana
15. wildcatsthree
16. Qtpies7
17. Morning Rose (Lost)
18. Natalie
19. Andrea
20. PMKU
21. Gabriel
22. Yummy
23. Mariposa\'s WW
24. Lib
25. Siani
26. GreenBucks
27. feefitoto

Check out the new Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

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  1. Of course this image is an American soldier holding stuffed animals that are given to children in Iraq. Here in the U.S. policemen often have stuffed animals on hand to give to children as they enter homes to make an arrest. The idea has carried over to Iraq with the help of Project Comfort.

    What do you think? Does this image convey America as a great nation? Why or why not?

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I'm not sure if it conveys America as a great nation but maybe more more as giving stuffed animals as a bribe saying "I'll give you a stuffed animal if you do this or that." I think it's much different if the stuffed animals are being given out to children that don't have anything and are living in poverty. This kind of thing can make a big statement. Thanks for stopping by! Happy WW

  3. I love your new theme. This is a great picture. It's wonderful to see someone depict the good side of America. Too often our media focuses on the ugly and gives the impression that the country itself is ugly. Thank you for making a difference.

    My WW post for this week is up with more pictures from China.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I just read your background piece on your WW themes -- and the recent change of themes. I like the idea of periodic themes for WW, and may have to think about doing that myself.

    Regarding the question you posed, my view is similar to Kat's, above. If the handing out of stuffed animals (or candy, or other treats) is viewed as a sort of bribe, maybe it's not such a good idea. But if the motivation is just to give something nice to someone who doesn't have a whole lot to begin with, then it's a good thing.

  5. Wow, what a truly amazing shot and selection. I love it and thank you for posting it.

  6. What a great shot, and interesting question you raise. I do hope that the intentions behind this is pure and out of kindness.

  7. Oh EHT, I hope giving out stuffed animals isn't viewed as a bribe... I think the intent is comfort and I'd like to believe Iraqi children are comforted... :)

  8. Yes, we would like to believe the bears are viewed as comforting, perhaps they are when the world you live in is so chaotic.

  9. It's a good thing for the kids that received the gifts. And that's good enough for me.

    Happy WW!

  10. I don't see it as a bribe...what kid doesn't need a stuffed animal for a little comfort and companionship?!

  11. Thanks for visiting everyone. I love the dialogue. So often our police here in America and our soldiers overseas have to go into homes and make arrests. This can be so traumatic for the children in these homes.

    How do we teach children to respect authority and legal figures if they see them as someone who always takes away mom and dad?

    Regarding the soldiers in Iraq.....I'd rather fight the war on terror there than here, but I wonder what kind of future are we breeding with the children there. Some will probably remember us with kindness while others will see us as an occupying force.

  12. Anonymous4:36 PM

    In my opinion, it's just a kind gesture from one human being to another. It's sad that it can be viewed as having strings attached, as I'm sure that wasn't the serviceman's intent. America is a wonderful country, with giving and caring people, and we are too often portrayed by our media in a bad light- the media has their own agenda and political reasons for the way they report a story. It's a wonderful picture and I like your new idea.

  13. I can't even begin to imagine where someone would get the idea that our soldiers are bribing little kids. To do what???
    That is why there are so many anti-american Americans.
    Why doesn't the media actually report the truth?
    Soldiers are doing what they are told, they are not there to change policy or bribe a country into things. The bribing would come from politicians. Soldiers are doing their job, and they care about those kids.

  14. It is a great nation indeed! I'm proud to be an American!

  15. Great picture! I'm from Canada, so I can't really answer your questions about America. :) But I do think that is a great picture still!

  16. Great photo! Happy WW!

  17. Very nice picture!

    Happy WW, and thanks for dropping by!

    My post: Ergonomics

  18. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Nice theme! Happy WW!

  19. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I am not exactly sure what I think this picture represents. Thnk you for giving me something a bit deeper to ponder :) Happy WW!

  20. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I think this pic shows that the soldiers are trying to alleviate the fears of the kids, and that they're not the bad guys some people may have made then out to be. It's a nice, emotive shot. Happy WW!

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Whatever the reasons are for this giving of stuffed toys, I think these children need a break too, from the war, from hostilities and from a harsh reality.


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