Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wordless Wednesday 22

I could go a thousand different directions with this. What will I post about?
Last week's explanation can be found HERE.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS!! Have a wonderful Wednesday--OH YEAH!!

Ingrid said...

Leaves me ..... wordless, lol !

Unknown said...

Fabulous..I hadnt thought of Kool Aid in years

There is still time to join the blogging scavenger hunt over at AMys Random thoughts which started today. WE have over 80 people playing, interesting prizes and we would love to have you..Wouldnt take long to catch up either.

Stacie said...

Now, there's a blast from the past.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wherever did you dig up this photo?

Crazy Working Mom said...

Bleck! I hate kool aid...I'm interested to see what you have to say about it.

Cinnamon Girl said...

I remember those packets!

EHT said...

The only good kind of of Kool Aid is the old kind where you had to mix it with the sugar and water. This was one of the first things my mom let me "cook".

Just remember.....in today's partisan America the term Kool Aid has taken on a whole new meaning.

Denise Patrick said...

I remember this stuff. Brings back memories. OH YEAH!!

M-Dawg said...
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M-Dawg said...

Will you be discussing the history of sugar??? Kool Aid is ALL sugar -

I actual had a Kool Aid stand one summer when I was a kid.

Ahh, the fond memories . . . :-)