Thank you to each one of you who left a comment concerning my mother’s death. I appreciate the effort on your part. There is no way for me to express what your concern means to me, so in my meager efforts to express my feelings I will do the only the thing I can in the blogging world…..I’ll give you a link back.
Many thanks to Dan over at A History Teacher, the Rain over at I Thought a Think, Ms-Teacher at Ms. Teacher, and Lady S at Lady Strathconn's Journal for their kind words.
Spangles and Anonymous need a big thank-you as well, but I don’t have a place to link for you.
Ms. Cornelius at Shrewdness of Apes, Mike at Education in Texas, and 40 over at Fordee Blog have been through this before and I appreciate the support. We have been appointed membership in a club we don’t want to belong to. Maybe you, dear reader, are also a member of that club.
Polski3, I appreciate your optimism. We tend to think alike on many things. Thanks!
Mr. Lawrence over at Get Lost Mr. Chips had kind words and so did Q's Personal Legend. Q, I agree with you about Mom’s picture. So far it is the best one we have of her in her prime.
Californiateacherguy over at California Teacher Guy sent kind words as well as linked to me from his group blog LiveWire: Teaching in the Golden State to let others know. CTG, are you sure you’re not from the South? What hospitality!
Dekerivers at Caffeinated Politics sent some lovely, appropriate lyrics. Thanks!
Butterfly Angel at Butterfly Angel was so right with her kind words….”God will be our strength and we fly like the eagle…”
and last but not least…..Sumir at Sumir-History your email meant so much to me. My mother would be most impressed that through this “blogging hobby” of mine, as she referred to it, someone an entire world away would hear of her death and think of her and me. Thank you Sumir for showing what a small world we really live on.
We are one “kind” when you consider all things….humankind.
Thank you, my friends, for reconfirming that for me. :)
And you, EHT, graciously and adroitly figured out a way to include all of us in your epistle of thanksgiving. Blessings to you!
Wow, all of this and you found the time to put together an individualized tribute? Amazing.
I'm late on this, EHT, but you have my deepest sympathy. I have a mother who is in the last stages of Alzheimers, so I need to get prepared for this, myself. I'm not surprised to see that you have handled all this with your usual class.
You are indeed a Steel Magnolia. Sending prayers your way.
Sorry I'm a little slow on the uptake and missed these posts. As you commented on my kid/food story, I hope you find many more pleasant memories popping up in the months ahead as your family heals. Bless you.
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