Today is the one year anniversary for the first post on this blog. Thanks to every reader and commenter who has made this such an enjoyable journey. I also want to thank everyone who supports this site with links and tidbits in their posts that send folks my way.
Wow! You and I started blogging at almost the same time! I'm glad you've endured--and may you celebrate many more blogoversaries!
P.S. NYC Educator will, no doubt, like your slice of cake better than he liked mine!
happy bloggaversary to you!!
Thanks for the congrats everyone.
Congratulations and Happy Bloggiversary!! May you have many more and I hope you readership doubles.
Thanks for dropping by...
I mean, congratulations.
Congratulations -- I so enjoy your blog. It is thoughtful and interesting and has substance. Thank you for it.
Thank you Gracie, Butterfly Angel,and Lady S. I appreciate your visit so much.
Yay, yay, YAY! Felicitations, EHT!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! May you continue for many -versaries to come...
Huzzah, and here's to many more!
Woo-hoo!! Happy Bloggerversary.
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