All of my teacher friends are all counting down to the last day of school just as urgently as their students. They all can tick off on their fingers an ever growing list of things that must be done before the final hooray closes out the year. Grades, awards, getting that new contract signed, next year’s grade and room assignment, report card comments, end of the year party preparation, packing if moving to a new room or school, turning in purchase order for next years supplies, meeting new team members if new teachers have been hired, field day preparations, brainstorming new and innovative methods to contain a group of kids a few days longer even through young bodies are are ready to burst at their summer seams, cleaning out files, taking down bulletin boards…..oh my gosh….the list is endless….an ever growing sinkhole of gotta do, gotta do, gotta do.
So forgive me as I resort to a method of posting that is an easy way out for any teacher of history when the entries on the to do list become a bit overwhelming……let’s focus on what happened on this day……..May 15th……in history. I’m sure you will find yourself saying as you read the list, “Oh, I didn’t know that….Oh, I forgot about that…..Huh?” Leave me a comment letting me know which item spurred you to do a quick Google gaggle to find out more.
Here are 13 events that occurred throughout history on May 15th.
1. In 1602, Cape Cod was discovered by Bartholomew Gosnold.
2. In 1862, the Department of Agriculture was created
3. In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of Standard Oil Company, ruling it was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
4. In 1916, U.S. Marines landed in Santo Domingo to quell civil disorder.
5. In 1918, regular airmail service between New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, began under the direction of the Post Office Department, which later became the U.S. Postal Service.
6. In 1940, nylon stockings went on sale for the first time in the U.S.
7. In 1957, Britain dropped its first hydrogen bomb on Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean.
8. In 1964, the Smothers Brothers, Dick and Tom, gave their first concert in Carnegie Hall in New York City.
9. In 1970, U.S. President Nixon appointed America's first two female generals.
10. In 1972, Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, MD while campaigning for the U.S. presidency. Wallace was paralyzed by the shot.
11. In 1975, the merchant ship U.S. Mayaguez was recaptured from Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.
12. In 2003, Texas Democrats boarded two buses and returned home after a self-imposed four-day exile in Oklahoma that temporarily succeeded in killing a redistricting plan they opposed.
13. In 2006, the Pentagon disclosed the names of everyone detained at the Guantanamo Bay prison since it opened four years earlier.
If you like this 13 list, you can find all of my 13 lists here.
If you would like to find other bloggers who 13 on Thursday you can find them here.
I enjoyed your list, I admit I did not know any of the facts you had listed. Perhaps I will come back soon and read more trivia!
Great TT! I enjoyed it. Have a happy TT!
I knew there was something I hated about today. Nylons. Curse the eveil man who invented the sausage casings of doom!!!!!
May 15 is also National Chocolate Chip Day.
Hurray for nylons stockings! Loved your list..
I love lists like this because I always learn something new - like the tidbit about nylon stockings!
Thanks and happy TT!
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