Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wordless 37

I'm thinking of going here next month. Where am I going?


Bernie said...

I have no idea as to where it is, but it does look like a very interesting building.


Happy WW!

SandyCarlson said...

You're going to a giant wedding cake. That's gorgeous! (Don't get lost in there....)

Anonymous said...


The Transformer said...

The carvings are beautiful. Is the building made of marble?

elementary historyteacher said...

Well, one thing is certain your image is not a Baptist Church!

teachergirl said...

EHT: You're going to the new Hindu temple in Lilburn!!

Sandee said...

Haven't a clue, but never do when I come here. I am not a history buff and it shows. Have a great WW. :)

Andree said...

You are going west of California? ;0)

Oldqueen44 said...

what an amazing building

Anonymous said...

What a cool building!

Anonymous said...

Will you be going to the Taj Mahal? :-)

jams o donnell said...

It's a hindu temple looking at the carvings. I was at one in London only a few weeks ago. It was so beautiful. Happy WW

jams o donnell said...

It's not the new BAPS temple in Atlanta by any chance?

ZAM said...

Look at the pillars. And the carvings. Can I come with you when you go there? Heheheh.Wishful thinking. Sure would love to go.

Anonymous said...

Now there's a building that took a while to complete.

Deb said...

I have no idea where that is, but it's a gorgeous building! :)

M-Dawg said...

My vote is for the detailed wedding cake! :-)

It looks amazing - can't wait to hear more! :-)