It was worth it!
Dear Son was off to college yesterday for another round of academic stimulation, so we are planning to celebrate his big day this weekend.
We spoke early this morning. Before his dad and I could call him, he was calling us to find out if he had a 8 o’clock class or not. Seems in the hulla-balloo of him packing and leaving his class schedule was left behind. Yes, Mom and Dad are still needed.:)
This picture was taken in July at a family wedding. Dear Daughter is on the right, Dear Son is in the middle, and Dear Niece is on the left.
A much younger version of Dear Son was published along with my birthday wishes from last year.
Happy Birthday, Matthew! We are very proud of you, and love you very much!
Does he know what future studies will be his focus? Exciting time!
Let's see.....he was a music major (a voice from Heaven), then it was Chrisitan ministry, then Christian Studies, then Business, followed by Christian Studies, and now History.
He's young....He has time. We are confident a degree is in the works. :)
It is an exciting time for him...I remember my first few years out of high school. You just want to do a little bit of everything!
I had no idea until the end of my third year! Now worries.
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