My neighbor down the road, Ralph Luker, from Cliopatria (he picked up on this from Talking Points Memo) has given us a wonderful resource tip with a link to Newseum.
While the website has lots of interesting things to explore I'm most excited about their newspaper front pages.
I’m already thinking about how I can use this fascinating resource. It would be interesting to use different front pages to show how stories are reported from region to region, from country to country, and from paper to paper.
This would also be a great resource for current events assignments.
I love this blog!
I do - probably because I relate to it. (But you did mess up a future Museum Monday for me!)
When the Newseum was located in Rosslyn, Virginia (close to Arlington Cemetery and about a mile away from the US Marine Corps Memorial aka Iwo Jima), I was a constant visitor.
They had a marvelous introductory IMAX-type movie discussing current events and news gathering. Exhibits that ranged from the history of news to interactive exhibits teaching editing, photography, ethics, weather broadcasts, etc. There was a mini broadcast studio and a great wall of tv's with all sorts of newscasts from all over the world. Even the bathrooms were plastered with the type of headlines that Leno and Letterman use to entertain us.
Each day front pages of newspapers from around the world were displayed. (They still are in the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building.)
There was also a Freedom Park that had an alcove with a piece of the Berlin Wall depicting the difference between East and West Germany as well as items from the Civil Rights era, Tiananmen Square, and a boat used to escape Cuba. There was also an elegant glass memorial to those journalists, photographers, and cameramen who lost their lives covering the news. (Nearly 70 lost their lives in the past year.)
The new, larger Newseum is almost completed. It is on Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the US Capitol adjacent to the Canadian Embassy, and a very short walk to the Smithsonians.
Again, if you are planning a trip to Washington, DC, after it opens (reopens?), don't miss it. Groups need a reservation. (Book as early as possible as it will be extremely popular and there will be fierce competition to get an appoinment.)
You might try to see if their education department and curriculum specialist is currently available to send you some lesson plans and curriculum materials. If 'education' is not listed on the website, go through 'public affairs'.
And do direct them to your blog and post! (That's called 'advertising'!)
This is an awesome link! Thanks!
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