Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wordless Wednesday Week 11

What type of monument is this?
Sunday update: an explanation for this monument can be found here.
Still wondering what fwinke and binser meant? My explanation can be found HERE.


Looney Mom™ said...

I have no idea but I would like to come back and find out. Thanks for stopping by my WW!

An Ordinary Mom said...

And I thought it was just a headstone at the cemetery ...

Anonymous said...

Now come on.....you know I always try to have story behind my pics. This is such a different kind of headstone, isn't is? The boys in my class thought it was "Way cool!"

Unknown said...

I cant wait to hear the story..neat picture

Ingrid said...

A boot with a laurel wreath, strange combination, I have no idea !
BTW Sunday I visited the expo "Precolumbian Art" here in Brussels and I put already some pictures on my blogs, for WW and TT but I have a lot more and will post them during the week in my photoblog (keyhole) if you are interested in, it was an amazing exposition !

The Tour Marm said...

Normally when I see a headstone that comes to a point, I think of the Confederacy. There is a star on the epaulette (Major) and I think the cannon might indicate artillery.

letha said...

There's more than just a boot and a laurel wreath, that's a fire hydrant as well isn't it?

I have no idea either and my American history is err, well it isn't at all.

Anonymous said...

Is it a tombstone? Maybe he died with his boots on...

Anonymous said...

First thought was a headstone of a cowboy but I know it has to be more than that.

Another great WW

Joy said...

my first thoughts were "that's a civil war statue."

Half a Dozen said...

My first thoughts- it's a Civil War (Confederate) memorial, but I don't know where.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

A tribute to B. A., located in eastern NY. I understand the boot but I'm at a loss as to what the thing that looks like a fire hydrant is!

Donna. W said...

Tribute to a firefighter??? Happy WW.

EHT said...

Apple, you are too smart. Thanks for simply listing the initials instead of the whole thing.

This is a monument to someone's injured foot.

This is not a Civil War monument.

More to follow later.

Eagles Wings said...

Saratoga National Historical Park

Yahoo search, I'm not that smart...and B.A. monument but not on it because of treason...

The Tour Marm said...

Silly me!
I shall be there in April!

Celeste said...

My granddaughter's teacher is reading aloud to them(3rd grade). the kids really enjoy it. As a matter of fact at the book fair Monday my granddaughter bought the book that she is reading and is reading it at home. The Tale of the Desteraux

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

A tribute to a fire fighter......